Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I just wanted to blog about Michelle and let her know how grateful I am to her for being Tyler's wife and therefore being apart of our crazy family. Also for making such cute little people for me to love so!

Oh one more thing...

I want to show you all just how crafty she is. She can do things with crochet needles that my grandma would be proud of! She makes the CUTEST baby hats.

A little plug (because she's family and my blog) Michelle sells these on Etsy. So if you are in the market for a baby gift please think of her. http://cuddlybug.etsy.com/


Rachel said...

Those are way cute, does she do boy ones, I need a winter hat for Benj.

Timani said...

They are cute. I checked the ebay link last night, I'm glad you updated it.

I like your 'spotlights'...fun!


You're awesome Steph!! Thank you! I've been so bad about blogging lately so I hadn't even seen this post until your parents told me!!

RACHEL - if you read this, yes I do boy hats...I just got done making an all black earflap hat with a red stripe for a boy!